Kshatriya College of Engineering
Kshatriya College of Engineering (KCEA) operates under the domain www.kcea.in, with www.kcea.ac.in being a part of it. | New - Kshatriya Alumini meet 2K25 Registration link Click here |
Course Outcomes Assessment Tools & Processes

The course outcomes were prepared by using action verbs of modified Bloom’s Taxonomy. All the course outcomes are prepared in such a way that they are measurable by means of written and oral skills, presentations etc. The various assessment processes used to gather the data for evaluation of course outcomes are as follows.

1. Internal (Mid) Examinations: Two Mid Examinations are conducted for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students in each semester as per the university prescribed norms. Mid-1 is conducted from first, second, third and fourth units of the course syllabus. Four descriptive questions each carrying 5 marks are given out of which students have to answer any two questions for a maximum of 5 marks each. Each question is related to one or more course outcomes. It is expected that a student should score at least 3 marks (60%) out of 5 marks for the attainment of that course outcome.

2. Assignment Questions: About 4 to 6 assignment questions are given in each assignment. Each question is mapped to one or more course outcomes. Each question carries 5 marks. It is expected that a student should score at least 70% for the attainment of that course out come. Two assignments are given in each course.

3. End semester university examinations: The question paper for each course is set by the affiliating university. The students have to answer any 5 questions out of given 8 questions. Since the answer scripts are retained by the university, the information regarding the attainment levels of each course outcome cannot be ascertained. However the marks scored by the students in the end semester examination are used to assess the attainment level of the whole course and the same is transferred to each course outcome attainment level, while calculating the overall attainment level. It is expected that a student should score at least 50% of the maximum marks of the course (i.e. 37.5 out of 75) for the attainment of course outcomes.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

1. Core Competence: With a strong foundation in basics Sciences & Mathematical Tools, our graduates will have careers in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, or be employable in a related career path, with focus on the areas of Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Control Systems, Power Electronics & Automation, Computational Skills, related software tools, and new & renewable sources for energy sustainability.

2. Engineering Application of Domain Knowledge:Our graduates will apply their knowledge – base and skills acquired to solve real life engineering problems with orientation on industrial sector.

3. Life – Long Learning in Core and Multi Disciplinary Areas: Our graduates will continue to develop their skills and seek knowledge after graduation in order to adapt to advancing technology and the needs of society & industry. This may be indicated by the graduate’s pursuit of an advanced degree or other formal instruction, and / or that the graduate has developed a professional specialty. Also, our students will actively explore the possibility for taking up entrepreneurship initiatives.

4. Professionalism and Research Culture: Our graduates will have the necessary professional skills, such as high ethical standards, effective oral and written communication, and team building activities, to be engineers with expertise and to progress in their professional endeavors. Also, our students will develop attitude towards research and innovation.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Our graduates have attained the following outcomes:

  • an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering,
  • an ability to design and conduct experiments,  as well as to analyze and interpret  data,
  • an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic, constraints such as  economic,  environmental, social, political, ethical, health  and safety,  manufacturability,  and sustainability,
  • an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams,
  • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering  problems,
  • an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility,
  • an ability to communicate effectively,
  • the broad education  necessary  to understand the impact  of engineering  solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context,
  • a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage  in life-long learning,
  • a knowledge of contemporary issues, and an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice,
  • knowledge of principles of operation, design, performance and testing of static and dynamic rotating machines and power electronics based Electric Drives.

knowledge of analysis, operation, control, protection, and simulation of electrical power systems for generation (hydro, thermal, nuclear and new & renewable sources of energy) , transmission, distribution and utilization.


The assessment tools and process used for measuring the attainment of each of the program outcomes and program specific outcomes are described below. The assessment tools are broadly classified in to two types.

  • 1. Direct Assessment tools
  • 2. Indirect Assessment tools
  • Direct Assessment Tools: Direct assessment tools consist of the curriculum courses as prescribed by the affiliating university. These courses consist of all theory courses, elective courses, laboratory courses, student’s technical seminar, comprehensive viva-voce, mini project work and major project work. The CO-PO mapping table is also presented for each course from which each of the PO’s attainment level for that course can be known

    Indirect Assessment Tools: Indirect Assessment Tools consists of

    • Course survey (Feed back on course)
    • Student program exit survey (Graduate exit survey)
    • Alumni Survey
    • Employer survey

    Course Survey:

    At the end of each semester a questionnaire is distributed all the enrolled students to take feedback on effectiveness of the course. The questionnaire is prepared to know the efficiency and utility of the course based on the following broad parameters.

    • Awareness on objectives and relevance of the course
    • Contribution of COs to POs & PSOs
    • Effectiveness questions and tutorials
    • Effectiveness of class room delivery
    • Effective utilization of ICT
    • Exposure to latest trends relevant to the course

    Graduate Exit Survey:

    At the end of 4 years after graduation, a questionnaire is given to graduates to obtain feedback on the below mentioned parameters.

    • Awareness of POs and PSOs
    • Relevance of courses with respect to POs and PSOs
    • Effectiveness of Co-curricular and extracurricular activities
    • Effectiveness of Infrastructural facilities towards the achievement of POs and PSOs
    • Feedback on Industry-Institute Interaction
    • Effectiveness of teaching and learning process
    • Suggestions for improvement

    Alumni Survey:

    A questionnaire is distributed to Alumni members during the periodical meeting that are arranged by the program. Their feedback is obtained on the below mentioned parameters.

    • Usefulness of the program courses in their professional career
    • Need for introducing new courses in the program to strengthen their career
    • Self assessment of their POs and PSOs after graduation
    • Suggestions for improvement

    Employer Survey:

    The program assessment committee meets the employers periodically to know the performance of the employed graduates. A questionnaire is distributed to the HR personal based on the following parameters.

    • Rating of the employed graduate based on each PO and PSO
    • Overall impression with regard to their effectiveness in the organization
    • Relevance of each of the courses with respect POs and PSOs
    • Need for introducing industry demand courses

    Final Assessment of Program Outcomes:

    The final assessment level of a particular program outcome is calculated by giving 80% weightage to Direct Assessment tools and 20% weightage to Indirect Assessment tools.